Sunday, January 31

A Raw Version

Welcome and enter into my world, embrace my thoughts, dreams and aspirations as fresh air breathed into a newborn. Feel alive as I display my soul like an open book to you. Some pages may be rough others smooth, some may be damp from the bitter stench of my tears others may shine brighter than the glorious moon. You might not like it at times but I've laid bare the raw imperfections of myself, surely that's a sight that won't be forgotten. You see words are powerful weapons they can tear one's heart apart if you're not careful. Yet the best words said are the most unexpected, pure, right out of the heart, unedited, raw ones. Those are the words that carve into your memories holding it so dear just like a mother who held her child for the first time. And here lay my words, I promise I won't rehearse them or edit them in any way because the rawness of one's speech is what makes it so magical.