Saturday, April 17


Life to me is surreal and sometimes I pinch myself to see if I'm really here. I once saw a glimpse of some preview documentary, and some guy goes "Proof to me, that you exist". Holy cheese, one thing that I at least was sure of is being questioned. I hate it when people question things that are unnecessary. Dude why do it? Now I am going to have doubts. And doubts aren't good cause they lead to endless wonders and what if's. So thanks for screwing everything up. What if I liked my little bubble? Just sheltered from the world and all it's ignorance, hypocrisy and greed. Is it that much to not want to be exposed to reality. Because reality stinks, people screw others over for what mainly money, power or materialism. And that's why life is so surreal, because we really do not want to believe that there are people like that in the world. I am not brave enough to face this world, so stop questioning things and sucking me back to reality. I like it here for the time being, and when I'm strong enough and my faith is stronger than ever, question away. Until then don't burst my bubble.