Saturday, March 20


I wasn't sure if I should write about you, but you know what they say better out than in. And considering the fact that today you have been on my mind more than usual. I just had to open my laptop and start typing. You see, I'm worn out like at the point of giving up. But obviously it's never that easy, otherwise I would've stick to it the last time. Cause every time I want to forget about you, you do something. And that something isn't anything, it puts the biggest smile on my face, and turns my cheeks blazing red. And then for the rest of the day, I rehearse that moment constantly in my head. Maybe that something, may be the most insignificant thing ever like when you say my name in that oh so adorable way, but to me it's everything. God, I swore I would never be like this but what can I say crushes are hard, makes me wish they came with an instruction leaflet. Whenever I want to forget about you. A few minutes pass and you do something that makes me go right back where I started. I've noticed that whenever you're not there, my day pretty much sucks. I know pathetic right, but to be honest it does. This whole thing is way too frustrating for my tiny little mind. I like you, I don't like you, I like you, I don't like you, I need to forget about you, I like you again, Where the hell are you? That pretty much explains my week. I sound so lame. And I am pretty sure in a couple of months, I would be writing the same thing about another boy. A couple of days ago you said I was the best, if only you knew how that erased every trace of any negative emotions I ever felt and flooded me with only positive feelings, feelings I never felt before. I freaking felt like I was flying. Guys please be careful what you say to girls. Actually scratch that say this as much as possible, but not too much or you might be wanted for manslaughter as I could have a heart attack. What intrigues me about you is how mysterious you are, like I mean mysterious, as in I don't know NOTHING about you mysterious. And I'm pretty sure you already think I'm weird, so I won't approach you anymore to get to know you. And OMG! A day or two ago, you hovered over me explaining something, even though you got it wrong it was just way too cute. I couldn't breath like literally my heart stop and that moment felt like a century. And of course knowing that in this life nothing is that perfect, I discover I had a BIG ZIT on my face! Like Rudolph! And I know you saw it because it was HUGE! and you were like millimeters away from my face. I know I sound like such a girl, see what you've turned me into. Argh I could really use an aspirin and a hug to deal with this. =\