Thursday, March 25


I think A lot, a bit too much shall we say borderline of becoming a complete psychopath. =] Honestly if anyone had the faintest idea what goes on in my mind, I would be so screwed. The other day someone mentioned how God can hear or see even hidden things. And boy did I get scared. Forget mankind judging you, the big man knows what I'm thinking. Scary. But last time I checked you don't go to hell for thinking stupid stuff. And if there that is true, I'll just ignore the person who said it. Because ignorance is truly bliss. But honestly, my thoughts aren't even coherently or logical. There are all over the place a bit like my homework sheets scattered around my room. I tend to think about the past or the future. Never the present, maybe cause at the moment is way too boring. I am in desperate need of spontaneity like a crack-whore needs cocaine. Beautiful way to describe it, don't ya think. ;) So I was thinking, about how I always think. And I came up with a thought. Thinking is the only place I can be myself, think whatever I like without judgemental eyes. So I'll think away thank you very much...