Saturday, March 6

What if?

Pirate bones by Natasha Bedingfield. I absolutely love this song. It made me think, about life and what ifs? I mean we all wish life was different, or that something might have gone differently. So I ask myself what if? What if there wasn't any rain, would we be able to see a rainbow? What if there wasn't any silence, would we notice a sound? What if there wasn't any pain, would we appreciate any joy? What if there wasn't any though, could there be a word? What if we were all the same, would you recognise me? What if my cheeks were sculpted, would I smile differently? What if my voice was louder, would the meaning be silenced? What if my eyelashes were longer, would it shelter my from the world? What if my mother language was different, would I be like an lost orphan? What if I was smaller, wouldn't I find a different way to be taller? So many questions left unanswered. Quite frankly I don't know, if what ifs are even worth it. I know reality at times sucks, but a what if isn't going to changed that. It would just lead to more grief. Anyway what ifs are overrated. Instead of shedding tears for the things you don't have. Smile and celebrate what you do have. So I am happy that my eyes aren't blue, that my nose, mouth, ears, face, cheeks are at the right size for me anyway.