Saturday, February 6


Ha-ha!! You didn't realize I was this strong. Dont EVER underestimate me. Okay, I can see the confused expression on your face. Let's say, there was this girl and a "friend" of hers. Well, this girl accepted her "friends" fake smile and lies. Till the webs of deception tied the girl up while her "friend" eyes drank her frail mind up. But what's she didn't realize was that this girl personality is multifaceted (hint hint :P) meaning this girl has many different side/aspects to her. Making her unpredictable. This "friend" didn't realize this that these sides are unseen to the the naked eye. And these sides only come out to played when needed, like an Arabian snake that dances out of its woven box when the music plays. I am counting the days and minute when I like a snake can dance out of my little box and sting you leaving you shocked. No, this is not about revenge but about sending a message...