Friday, February 5


6 billions people walk on this planet right this minute, 6 billion. And you honestly expect me to find you, I might as well find a needle in a haystack while I'm at it. What if you brush past me in the high street or you're on the other side of the world. Would I expect you to be the exact replicate of the man in my wildest dreams. Or are you just ordinary. You see the thing is Hollywood messed with my mind. I wouldn't know if you were the one unless we bumped into each other and our eyes lock in that cringe but oh so adorable way and we're both left speechless. Of course you'll be the most beautiful man I have ever laid eyes upon. And I'm this "babe" who has the perfect hair, clothes and manages the perfect job while having the most incredible body. But guess what, I'm not that girl and if I did bump into someone it wouldn't be romantic as I would properly kill or seriously injure them (I'm extremely clumsy and tend to have my arms/legs flying all over the place usually punching/kicking people). So maybe you've walked past me tons of time, maybe our arms may have brushed against each other. I might have even glanced at you twice and thought:"Hubba Hubba" (yes that is my initial response to hot men in my mind of course,imagine saying that out loud, awkward) The thing that scares me, is that in reality is not actually 6 billion people out there that could be your soul mate. It's more in the 1,000, I mean in this society even though we don't like to admit it race, nationality, religion, sexuality (well that one's a bit obvious) separate us. And now that divorce rates have increased... but hey! don't worry there's a soulmate for everyone. I think this statement is just an optimistic way so we can carry on with life, because no one is sure of what the future holds. Therefore we get this little hope that everything will be fine. If I have to be perfectly honest, yes I would love to believe in a soulmate but can I...