Friday, February 5


The spaces between these words resemble the ocean splitting up continents. I Blame the ocean for separating the world, no unity. each to its own, miles apart. We may yearn for world peace but how can we if we're so far apart. Distance matters no matter how many times you assure yourself it doesn't. My best friend lives in another country, and I hate it! But of course I can't tell her this, I mean we are mobile creatures therefore its inevitable that distance parts us. Phone's, MSN, Facebook may allow us to communicate, but sometimes I just want you by my side. I want to be able to hug you when adversity hits you, not comfort you over MSN. It frustrate's me beyond belief but I just have to smile and hide the tears when you ask me if I'm okay. Why? If I could cross the ocean in a second and stay by your side, trust me I would in a heart beat. But life is never that easy, instead I sit here miles away telling you I love you. While instead I could've told you in person because the static waves of a telephone will never convey the emotion within the I love you making it sound less meaningful. You don't realize that my heart smashes in pieces when you don't pick up the phone or when I can't find you online. You have been my best friend for almost 7 years that's almost half my life. Yet I'm not there for your birthday celebration or your school shows. All I can do is hope, hope that one day we will be at least in the same country like we used to be. Hope.