Monday, February 22


Holy cheese! I haven't posted anything in a while! sorry,I would love to say I have been busy or some uberduper excuse but to be honest I haven't. I have been so LAZY! Like I can't be bothered with anything at all. The weather is also a major downer. Like today I spent almost an hour or 2 outside cause nobody was home and because I'm such a total genius I forgot the keys. Boy, it was hard I tell ya, really hard because it was so so so cold. I felt like an icicle, today honestly made me appreciate the heating and my bed so much more than usual. I almost kissed it but I stopped cause my mum gave me one of those "Is she really my child? Surely I wasn't this weird?". So instead I mentally kissed it. Oh summer please hurry up! you see I like winter, when it's snowing I love the snow. But since the move I haven't seen much of it, but I have seen a whole lot of rain and general freezing minus zero temperatures. So to be frank, I sure as hell won't miss seeing the last of that. Okay being the indecisive child that I am, I'm not looking so forward to the summer. Mainly because it's my last year in school and though I won't admit this out loud so I'll whisper it instead. I am going to miss everyone and I mean everyone so badly. But then at the same time I want school to be over with and not close that chapter of my life but maybe put a little fold at the top of the page, so when I want to look back at it I can. Yet, like time itself I have to move on, so in that case here I come all my pen's, stickers and colours filling up a new chapter. But before I do that let's finish this chapter with a Bang! I want to say what's on my heart to somebody. Confess something to another and just enjoy and grab everything that comes to me with a big hug and a cheesy grin...