Thursday, February 4


I feel empty. Just empty. I shook myself to see if my contents would spill, but nothing. I am empty. Maybe it's because I giving up on caring, nothing seems to faze me any more. The world could tremble with fear and I wouldn't even flinch. I don't know whether I should be scared or worried, to be frank I don't even understand why I feel this way. Maybe boredom, I mean life is so dull at the moment I am in desperate need of spontaneity, anything would do. Mehh! the clock strikes second further away into the unknown. You see time is oblivious to anything,it simply just doesn't care, its job is to tick and tock and that's exactly what it does. Time doesn't ask questions, stops and think, it doesn't have a conscious or any once of sympathy. Whether you like it or not time waits for no one. Properly by now a minute or so has passed, what I just did before that is now in the past. If you think about it that's pretty scary, every cells in my body yearns for me to just have superpowers that allows me to freeze time but sadly I am unable to that. I can't. Ever. So, what about the future, seeing as the past is a lost cause. I think the future is a blank canvas and the paint you're using is the past but they way you paint is the present. Or am I just babbling nonsense...